Happy Returns Studio

2. Jenny Kendler - Governors Island

Photo courtesy of Jenny Kendler

In the spring of 2022 Chicago based Artist and Activist Jenny Kendler reached out to Happy Returns Studio for our help on a new public art commission they were working on for Governors Island in New York City.

For this project Kendler is attempting to encourage Oysters to adopt tiny 3D prints of classical sculpture from antiquity and to coat them in nacre, the pearlescent surface that Oysters build their shells from. Happy Returns Studio consulted on the project and produced small prototype prints from which Kendler was able to test the viability of the project.

Happy Returns Studio did a careful mesh analysis of all the proposed scans which Kendler then used to print using a third party SLS machine in medical grade nylon. Happy Returns also provided animated and static digital simulations of the proposed nacre surface treatment.

